Mental Health: Here Are Some Ways To Help Someone With Anxiety


Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness, worry, constant apprehension or discomfort usually pertaining to uncertain outcomes in the future like- what will happen. Almost everyone feels anxious as a reaction to certain past, present or future events. It is absolutely normal to experience occasional anxiety. But an anxiety disorder is different. If you are experiencing anxiety too often and it has started affecting your day to day activities, then you might need professional help. According to WHO, one out of every thirteen individuals suffers from anxiety disorder but only one person out of four sufferers, seek professional help. To understand the symptoms of anxiety and how to help someone with anxiety we spoke to Dr. AD Goyal who is MBBS, MD in Psychiatry at HopeQure Wellness Solutions. Also, know what not to do in a panic attack.

Anxiety: How to help someone with anxiety

What are the symptoms of Anxiety?

Symptoms of anxiety may vary from individual to individual. Common symptoms include heavy breathing, increased heart rate, recurrent thoughts, sweating, trembling, trouble sleeping, hampered concentration, gastro-intestinal trouble. A research report suggests in the year 2017, 197.3 million people had mental disorders in India, including 45.7 million with depressive disorders and 44.9 million with anxiety disorders.

If these symptoms are making an individual dysfunctional, anxiety might take up the shape of disorders such as GAD, panic disorder, separation anxiety, social phobia and other specific phobias.