7 Ways to Boost Your Sexual Confidence


Sexual skills and confidence aren’t something most people are born with. In fact, some of the sexiest people in the world like Rihanna, Idris Elba and Penélope Cruz were ordinary people before becoming breaking into the limelight.

Having sexual confidence is a very important factor in having pleasurable sex and this equally boost your sexual positivity. There are a few ways you can increase your sexual skills and become more confident and with these tips, you’re bound to score more bedroom points than ever before.

1. Try masturbating

Oftentimes, people are quite sceptical about whether masturbation has any positive benefits and yes, it has plenty of benefits. When you masturbate frequently, it builds up your sexual confidence as you now get to understand your body and what gives you pleasure.

Part of the thing that heightens the sexual experience is your partner's ability to know what they like and express it to you. But if you’re unsure of what feels pleasurable to you, and completely unaware of what turns you on, it becomes a lot harder to ooze confidence during sexual activity with your partner.

Invest some of your time into discovering what turns you on. You can choose to either read erotica, watch steam sex scenes in movies, speak to your friends about their own experiences, and even join a live sex cam platform. Engaging in these activities would let you know just what part of your body is most sensitive, what words you love hearing and the amount of pressure you like during masturbation.

Doing all this lets you familiarize yourself with your own body and gives you a good idea of what might equally feel great for someone else.

2. Communicate with your partner

Nothing really beats proper communication when it comes to sexual activity. The best way to build up your sexual confidence and gain knowledge of what your partner likes is by asking them about it.

Being a pro in bed comes down to your ability to respond effectively to your partner’s verbal communication and body language. So, increasing your sex skills and boosting your confidence is often as simple as asking them what they would love you to do. It can range from showing you their erogenous zones, what type and level of touch they enjoy, words that turn them on, their sexual fantasies and many more.

3. Be confident in your looks

If you and your partner have gotten to the point where you’re stripping off your clothes ready to get down to business in bed, then it isn’t the right time to start feeling insecure about your body. You’ve got to the stage where it is obvious that they want you and you’re not going the make the moment any pleasurable by exhibiting insecurities about your looks.

A large part of being sexually confident is just actually being confident in how you look. However, it doesn’t mean you have to be perfect and riddled with flaws, it just means no matter how you look, your focus should be on having a pleasurable sexual experience for both you and your partner.

4. Educate yourself

You can only be fully confident about certain things sexually when you have the right knowledge.  Any and everything sexual can be learned and unlearned with the right education but you should go looking for this information on credible websites, books and platforms by certified sex therapists.

In fact, there is evidence to show that those who consume information from sex-themed articles and magazines are most likely to try out new things and be more confident during sexual activity.

5. No one was born confident

Everyone you know who has become a symbol of sexual confidence wasn’t born that way. But they all had to work on themselves to build that confidence that you now admire.

However, there’s no need to table comparisons and try to behave in a certain way that imitates someone else. We all have our own unique experiences that shape up who we become. Just be sure to trust in your own abilities and do what can to boost your confidence without worrying if someone else is doing better than you.

6. Exercise frequently

Rock-hard abs and inch-perfect curves aren’t the only guarantees for being a confident person sexually, staying fit and healthy are equally important.

Exercising is a fantastic way to greatly improve your physical well being, plus the activity and endorphins release will give you lots of self-confidence, even if you still look visibly underwhelming.

7. Practice

Like the common saying, practice makes perfect, and this still applies to sexual activity. The more times you have sex, the better you become at it. While this is not a stamp of approval to have sex with anyone that breathes, but the more you engage in sexual activity with someone who matches your desires, the more sex experience you will have.

The experience you get will equip you with the right sex and communication skills. You’ll be able to know just how what you need to do to heighten every sexual experience with your partner.